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Activities: Willenberg, Holmes, Owens, Palmquest, Peterson, Stone, Tamayo
Archival Management: Jankowski (Archivist), Lukoff
High School Outreach*: Willenberg, Klotz, Jankowski 
Humanities: Owens, Jankowski, Tamayo, Yamashita
Pathfinder: Klotz, Stiefel, Willenberg
Chapter Representatives: Arkans (UW [Alpha]), Pepper (UPS [Delta])
Development: Johnson, Ojendyk, Yamashita
Executive: Yamashita, Jankowski, Johnson, Lukoff, Ojendyk, Willenberg
Finance: Johnson, Ojendyk, Willenberg, Yamashita
Financial Records: Johnson, Ojendyk, Yamashita, Tuck, and Chris Frost (non-board
Membership: Tuck, Lasell, Stiefel, Tamayo, Yeak
Nominating: Yamashita, Stiefel, Tamayo, Tuck
Undergraduate: Arkans, Klotz, Stone, Tucker-Pigott
Stiefel Graduate: Arkans, Stone, Tucker-Pigott
Lupton: Arkans, Stone, Tucker-Pigott


* High School Outreach is currently on hold.
** There is currently no Scholarships Committee chair.


Names of chairs and co-chairs have been italicized.


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